Technidok - The golobal document solution in Central Europe
Technidok - The global document solution in Central Europe
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Technidok s.r.o.

Business premises Registered office
Záběhlická 119
106 00 Praha 10
Česká republika
Kontryhelová 402
250 84 Květnice
Česká republika

Tel: + 420 271 745 813 , + 420 271 751 310
Hotline (nonstop): +420 603 280 877
Fax: + 420 271 746 873

Skype: Search for technidok

ICQ: 401-327-601 (Technidok)


Business hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT +1). The Hotline remains available after business hours.

Ver. 1.0.6
WebMaster: Petr Kuttler