Technidok - The golobal document solution in Central Europe
Technidok - The global document solution in Central Europe
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In spite of all the measures in place (see Quality Control Process) it is not always possible to avoid some shortcomings. In such case, however, we do not shrink from our responsibility and deal with any error immediately and within the shortest possible time - not only during the legally required guarantee period, but also after its expiry!

First of all, we correct the translation according to the customer’s wish, and only after that we start dealing with the question of whether the error was caused by shortcomings of the translation or whether the complaint was due to customer preference of a different terminology or of alternative options.

The customer shall, of course, receive a detailed assessment drafted by an independent expert and, depending on the outcome of this assessment, will be offered the corresponding compensation - a reduction of the final price of the job or, as the case may be, a discount on a future assignment.

Note: Last year the number of complaints concerned 0.2 % of all our assignments and we firmly believe that this year we ought to do even better.

Ver. 1.0.6
WebMaster: Petr Kuttler